Text by Patrick La Roque
Some of you may have noticed recent cosmetic and organizational changes on the site, but there's a lot more coming—all starting in January. In the meantime we wanted to give a little something back, to thank all of you for your support throughout the years. Besides: ’tis the season, right?
We mentioned a group project in a post last May but at the time we weren’t exactly sure of the form it would take. Well, now we do: Under a Vagrant Sun is our first collaborative work, a book of images shot during the winter and summer solstices, the shortest and longest days of the years 2014-2015. From the book's introduction:
“...solstices are astronomical markers, fixed and—on our puny human scale—eternal. When choosing an event around which we could wrap a day in the life project to shoot as a group, it seemed obvious to go there, to use these dates which have been milestones from time immemorial and have always represented change regardless of where on this planet we were born, regardless of culture.”
It’s a 95 pages PDF eBook...and it’s free. You can grab your copy here. On behalf of all of us at KAGE: Happy Holidays!
Have a great one and we hope to see you all in the New Year :)