Fuji Edit
Below is the Fuji edit of a book project I started working on in May of 2006 called "Life's a Florida Beach." The X-cameras weren't released yet when I started the project, so that is why there are only about 30 photos here. I have literally traveled to, and photographed on, every known beach in Florida, and Florida has over 1,300 miles of coastline (that's over 2,000 kilometers). I wasn't able to shoot every inch of it of course, and my time at each beach was limited, but tried to cover as much as possible when I was there. This is my edit from the last year. Not all of these shots will make the book of course (the book is still a dream), but maybe a few might. And not all of them are my favorites, but there are a few that I really love. I want to post a good edit on Kage, so would you gentlemen please help with the edit? On this occasion, which is somewhat different than if I covered an event such as an Elvis fest or even a more focused story such as midgets on crack, LOL, I don't really see a Flemming-Tight (that’s an adverb in some cultures) edit, but more of a representation of what a book may entail. But, I'll leave that up to you. Also, once we get the edit down, I let's work on the order of photos, which I think is a very important part of any story and I'm sure you'd agree.
I'm infinitely fascinated with people and live in a state (Florida) that is literally a melting pot of cultures, races and nationalities--and they all go to the beach. I also love black & white photos, and feel that most of the time color doesn't enhance the photos in this series, but distracts from the content of the photographs. HERE is a small edit of some of the color work (non-Fuji) from the project. These are strong in color, but I really don't have a lot of great color shots--maybe 20% of the entire project. As mentioned, most of the project is in B&W, partly because I love and prefer it, but partly because when most people are at the beach, it's mid-day and the light is rather harsh and flat. Let the discussions begin! -Craig Litten/June 2014
(photos are in no particular order, click for larger image)